Tag Archive : credit

Business Line Of Credit Overview: Is A Business Credit Card Right for You? How Can You Apply?

Whether you need money to help with your new business, to purchase equipment, obtain a supply of cash to keep up with ongoing expenses, etc., you can always apply for a business line of credit. Whether or not you will be approved, however, will depend on a number of factors ranging from your credit score to your experience and industry.

There are always alternative options, including small online lenders, crowdfunding, bank loans, and so forth. A credit card is a good choice if you have a high credit score and need to know that the money is there should there be unexpected expenses, or you need any type of recurring expense. Also, what will you do if your type of business is affected by the ebb and flow of seasonal changes? A business credit card is also great for this type of situation.

What are the requirements? How do you know if you have a good chance of being approved for a business line of credit? In addition to your own credit score, a lender will look at factors such as the strength of your business, time in business, annual revenue, your ability to secure the line, and so forth. It might even come down to you having to put up collateral in order to qualify. If you can do so, you will increase your chances of being approved significantly.

Proofs Required Business Line of Credit

Your company must prove that you have revenues and that you can be profitable. They want your profitability and revenues to justify the size of the business line of credit for which you are applying. If you are unable to prove your profitability, then the collateral will come into play.

Even if you are approved, you must decide if this is REALLY the right option for you. What are the repayment terms? Is the interest really high? Again, there ARE alternatives. Also, keep in mind that your credit score will take a small hit for each and every business line of credit you apply for, so think carefully before you begin. Don’t just go around applying for everything. On the flip side, don’t just apply for the very first company credit card you come across. Take the time to compare your options and only apply for a few that offers the terms and conditions that are more favorable to you.

If you have at least average credit and need money as quickly as possible, then you might want to check with AnalytIQ Group Corp. AGC offers all types of funding solutions for companies of all sizes. There is a good chance you will qualify for a business line of credit.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/George_Botwin/1425000

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10288933

How To Get A Mortgage With Bad Credit?

If you have a great credit rating, you won’t find it difficult to get a mortgage. Almost every lender will be more than happy to serve you. On the other hand, if your credit rating is low, you will face a hard time getting a loan to finance your new home.

Your credit reports and credit rating is quite important for creditors to find out if you are a good or bad candidate for a mortgage loan. Aside from this, the assessment of your creditworthiness allows lenders to get a better idea of the amount of money they can lend you with confidence. In other words, this can assure that that you will make the payments on time.

The credit reports and scores will help a lender know if you have paid back your previous loans without any missed deadlines. If you have had a lot of late payments, or payment delinquents, chances are that you have a poor rating. The mention of any of these can be a red flag to your prospective lenders. Since the goal of the lender is to make lots of money, they may take you as a risk.

Unfortunately, if you have changed your habits, they will still review your past to get an assessment whether it will be a good idea to do business with you. Similarly, if you have a credit score in the range of 750, the lender will still consider your debt usage. If your reports show that you have taking loans quite often, they may find it a bit too risky to grant you a loan.

First-Time Home Buyers

If you are a first-time homebuyer, getting a conventional home loan with poor credit rating can be a bit hard nut to crack. However, it’s not a goal that is impossible to achieve.

Tips to Qualify for a mortgage with Bad Credit

Given below are a few tips that you can use to improve your chances of qualifying for a credit rating. If you follow these tips, chances are that your application will be approved.

1. Make a Larger Down Payment

First, if you don’t qualify for a non-traditional loan, you can wait for a while and save money to make a larger down payment. The problem is that lenders consider borrowers with a bad credit score a great risk. Generally, lenders are willing to grant loans to lenders who can make at least 20% down payment. Therefore, if you can pay that much as down payment, you will be able to qualify.

2. Reduce Your Debt Usage

If you have poor credit rating and you are trying to get a loan, we suggest that you reduce your overall ration of debt-to-income. This ration allows a lender to figure out the amount of money you can afford.

3. Use Your Rental History

In most credit reports, you can’t find information about the user’s rental payments. But if you can, you can prove that you made all the payments on a consistent basis over the past 24 months. Aside from this, some other reporting tools can also. They may include RentTracki, Rental Kharma, and Rent Reporters, to name a few.

Before you go for a tool, we suggest that you do your homework to find out about the monthly charges and fees. Aside from this, you should find out if your private data can be protected and the steps you need to do if you cancel the service.

Keep in mind that these tools provide reports for only big credit bureaus. However, you can also find some that can send their reports to all of them.

4. Explain Your Circumstances and Credit Rating

Another good way is to write a letter to explain your situation. In the letter, you should mention the reasons of your negative points on your credit report. And you try to convince the lender that the mistakes won’t happen again.

Also, you should assure that that you are trying to handle the situation you are in. For instance, you can help them realize that you are looking for a job. Before talking to the lender, make sure you get documents to spell out the credit challenges you have been facing. Aside from this, if you can spell out the derogatory items on your credit history, you may be in a better position to get a mortgage.

When taking to the lender, make sure you are specific. You shouldn’t be afraid to provide details of your concerns and needs. This will save you from a lot of headache down the road.


Long story short, if you have a bad credit score but you are still looking for a lender to give you a loan for your first home, we suggest that you follow the tips given in this article. Make sure you also discuss the matter with your mortgage specialist or mortgage broker.

If you are looking or a good credit specialist, we suggest that you check out AnalytIQ Group

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10275733

Business Credit Scores: 6 Things Every Entrepreneur Should Know

(BPT) – Do you have a side hustle you’re looking to grow? Are you a small-business owner wondering if you should use your personal credit for your business? Before you do, consider your business credit score. Whether it’s a modest side gig or you’re looking to expand your small business into a full-time, multi-person venture, it’s important to understand your business credit score and how it can help you.

Haven’t heard of a business credit score? You’re not alone. “What is a business credit score?” is the top question we get at VantageScore from small-business owners. Our goal is to expand understanding about credit scores for everyone, and when it comes to businesses, helping empower owners with useful information to help them make smart financial decisions.

The credit experts at VantageScore Solutions share must-know info about business credit and how small-business owners can establish and grow their business credit score:

Consumer and business credit reports are different

A consumer credit report is for an individual while a business credit report is for an organization, even if it’s just one person. What’s on the report varies: A business credit report has different number ranges for credit ratings, such as zero to 100. Additionally, you won’t see a list of creditors on a business credit report like you would on a consumer credit report.

A positive business credit report matters

A business credit report shows credit-related data a credit reporting company (CRC) has gathered about an organization from different qualifying sources. This includes records of credit card balances and payments, as well as public records, such as bankruptcies. Having a rich business credit report can help you get better terms on business loans and other financial relationships needed to manage and grow your business, including lower interest rates.

Be proactive to strengthen your business credit report

If you get a consumer loan, that information may be reported to all three bureaus for your consumer credit report. On the business side, there’s less data consistency and less chance your lender is going to report to all the commercial credit bureaus. Be proactive by using strategies that include reporting to the bureaus, such as utilizing small-business credit cards. You can also work with vendors that knowingly report to the bureaus. Finally, as always, pay all bills on time and keep debt low.

Separate yourself and your business

Just like with consumer credit, it takes time to build a rich credit history. Business owners should start building good credit as soon as possible and start by establishing a business entity. The majority of small-business owners in the United States operate as sole proprietors, which means they don’t have a formal business structure such as an LLC, S-corporation or C-corporation. Having these types of designations separates you and your business and therefore separates your business and personal credit.

Avoid tapping personal assets

When starting or growing a business, a lot of people use personal assets such as savings, retirement funds or home equity for funding. Before you do this, exhaust all other possibilities for business financing. There are over 6,500 different companies with lending products for small-business owners, so it’s worthwhile to research and find one that fits your needs so you don’t have to put your personal finances at risk. Plus, many of these other options come with the opportunity to build your business credit report.

Check your business credit report regularly

Just because you pay your bills on time doesn’t mean you should assume your credit report is good. If something negative occurs, you want to respond quickly, such as financial fraud or identity theft. Visit VantageScore.com to access a list of free credit score providers for both your personal and business credit reporting purposes.

To Be Ready For Anything, Secure A Line Of Credit Now

Sometimes the unexpected happens and you need funds available to recover quickly. Securing a Line of Credit for your business will allow you to have immediate access to working capital so don’t have to worry about falling behind when disaster strikes.

Line of Credit Advantages

A Flexible Solution

Get approved for up to $450,000 with a quick and easy, low doc application. There’s no need for collateral and funds can be available in as little as 3 days.

Fixed terms, low payments

Loan terms are available from 12 to 24 months, yielding low fixed weekly payments. Budget confidently with clear and transparent terms that never change.

Tax-deductible interest

The interest you pay is tax-deductible further lowering your cost of funds.

Let’s Determine Your Business’s Needs Together

One of the great perks of having a dedicated loan consultant is that I’ll be with you through every step of the loan process.


Overhaul Your Business Credit With Business Credit Builder….

With our help This program will have your company on the road to creating excellent credit so that the business can obtain loans without you the owner having to use your personal credit. clients will have access to far greater resources to source, analyze and execute transactions.More…

Fastest Way To Fix Credit: Info You Need To Know About Fixing Up Your Credit Report And Finances

Fixing credit isn’t as difficult as you might think, if you understand the steps that need to be taken and try to get your credit reports fixed up. The problem with trying to do everything yourself is that the process can take a lot of time, effort, and patience. If you really want to get everything cleared up as soon as possible, the fastest way to fix credit is to request assistance from professional credit repair analysts – particularly those with actual lawyers involved.

In the internet world of endless options, finding the ideal credit repair service might not be as easy as most people would like. You have to filter out all of the ones that get a lot of negative reviews and have a reputation for scamming people. One red flag is any claim that seems too good to be true, such as “Increase Your Score 50+ Points in Just 30 Days!” Even in the best case scenarios, that will be HIGHLY unlikely, since it will take at least 30 days for them to hear back from the credit bureaus about whether or not your negative items will be removed. Even if they are, it’ll probably take a bit more time to start seeing the score increase.

Fastest Way to Fix Credit With a Legitimate Company

Still, there are LEGITIMATE companies out there, and working with them is the fastest way to fix credit for most people. It might also be in your best interest to consult with a debt settlement / relief company in addition to a credit repair company. It all depends on the severity of your credit issues and how much of it you are confident in handling yourself.

It might be easier to handle some of your credit issues yourself if you know exactly what is causing your score to be low. You’re entitled to request and review copies of your own credit report free once a year from all three bureaus: Equifax, Transunion, and Experian. If you haven’t already done that this year, do it right now. Examine it all carefully, and if there is any information that seems inaccurate or unfair, the report should provide you with the information you need to dispute that information.

You can also try to catch up on any bills you are struggling with. Try your best to keep up with all of your payments.

If it’s all too much for you, then it’s okay to seek help. Consider a company like AnalytIQ Group, if it’s available in your state. There are a lot of positive reviews that indicate that this firm offers the fastest way to fix credit.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/George_Botwin/1425000

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10333687