Tag Archive : startups

3 Trends Poised For Growth In 2022 And The Tech Startups Helping To Fuel Them

The past year has brought a flurry of changes for many people. Maybe you’ve embraced online shopping and want to start to incorporate meal planning into that experience. Perhaps you’ve gotten into selling things from the comfort of your home or you’re now working remotely with people around the world.

Digital solutions meet modern needs so you can do these types of things successfully, whether you’re a consumer or an entrepreneur. Three of the top digital trends of 2022 showcase the growth of technology solutions by innovative startups focused on making life better.

Trend 1: Simplified online grocery shopping

The food marketplace is an evolving space with two trends poised for continued growth: online grocery shopping and meal planning. Grocery Shopii is the solution for shoppers who want to integrate meal planning into a customized online shopping experience.

Today, meal solutions are helping consumers tackle meal fatigue and save time. Not only are Shopii recipes curated by top bloggers, they’re hyper-personalized to each client’s preferences, offering suggestions that align with existing shopping habits. Plus, Grocery Shopii utilizes machine learning to expedite meal planning and online grocery shopping to 5 minutes or less.

Grocery Shopii is free for shoppers and helps grocers provide a tailored experience, which in turn builds customer loyalty. Learn more at GroceryShopii.com.

Trend 2: Interactive fashion resale marketplace

What people choose to wear defines who they are, and today more people than ever want to stand out in their own unique way. That’s why interest in vintage clothing, upcycled fashion, and handmade accessories is soaring, and Galaxy is connecting passionate sellers with engaged buyers.

Galaxy is the first platform of its kind to fuse live shopping and fashion resale, creating a truly social, entertainment-geared shopping experience with sustainable fashion at its core. With Galaxy, shoppers can have conversations while buying, allowing them to make more informed decisions and understand the stories behind the pieces they’re browsing.

Galaxy enables the next generation of fashion entrepreneurs to find and build their community, plus, unlike other platforms, takes no commission or fees. Visit Galaxy.Live for more information.

Trend 3: Symbiotic solutions to labor needs and economic empowerment

The labor shortage crisis, the Great Resignation, diversity challenges — job economy topics continue to capture headlines. Companies of all sizes are struggling to fill roles with quality candidates who meet their needs.

Meaningful Gigs is one solution that solves many issues that companies are facing today. This tech-packed platform connects skilled African designers with companies seeking high-quality digital design work. Their vision is to create 100,000 remote skilled jobs in Africa by 2028.

Meaningful Gigs provides companies with a way to tap into global diversity while also delivering critical design solutions for their businesses for creative, product and marketing teams. By supplying people in Africa with skilled jobs, the company focuses on continuous economic empowerment and socioeconomic advancement. Discover more at MeaningfulGigs.com.

2022 is sure to be a year of continued change as people increasingly rely on digital solutions. Explore these trends to see how they impact your life, and consider new technologies to meet your needs.


Angel Investors, Startups, Founders And Dilution

I see it happen a lot lately in Jakarta. Startups with 4-5 founders who are pretty much equal shareholders will look for very early Angel funding, which (if they get it) brings another shareholder on board.

Now you’ve got a situation with 5-6 shareholders in a company that still has to land its first serious funding. This is in my opinion a situation far from desirable, for some obvious and some less obvious reasons.

In general, when a startup approaches an (angel) investor for a pitch and shares that the company has 4 or 5 shareholders with pretty much similar voting rights, my first question would be “Who wants to give up his or her shares?”. It’s just too early to have so many shareholders. Startups succeed for a large part because they can make decisions instantly, and react faster than competitors, who are often more “corporate”. With having 4 or 5 voting shareholders on board, chances are your company won’t be that flexible and dynamic anymore. Also, any investor would prefer to just talk to 1 or 2 persons, which for them is just more clear and manageable.

But let’s look ahead a bit. Let’s say your startup has 4 founders with equal shares and voting rights and you land an angel investment who “after-money-in” gets 20%. So now your startup has 5 shareholders and a capital to last a year. I’m making this assumption because I’m mostly talking about digital startups that will need a longer period to become bootstrapped and even when bootstrapped will require more (growth) capital in the future.

In my experience (and I was one of them as well), startup entrepreneurs tend to ignore looking into the future. This is often because startup entrepreneurs have a very positive outlook on life in general, and specifically on their business. But in most cases it’s clear as day that at some point you will need extra capital, whether it’s for compensating losses, solving cash-flow issues or growth capital. This is where investors will strike, a (most of the time) non-profitable company in need of quick cash is an easy target. The result is the existing investor or a new investor will take a large part of the shares resulting in the founders diluting to a questionable percentage while still very much in startup phase.

Needless to say that as a founder you won’t be too happy diluting to let’s say 10-15% after just 1-2 years. But also from investor point of view this is not really the ideal situation. Many shareholders who are all less incentivized doesn’t strike me as a perfect situation. The simple solution of buying out some of the shareholders often fails because there’s simply no value yet so why would they sell?

My tips to anyone planning to start a digital business would be:

    1. Start with just two founders;
    2. Don’t give people shares because you can’t pay salaries (!);
    3. Hold of any (angel) investment as long as possible, create as much value first. If needed borrow money from family or friends or find alternative income sources;
    4. Plan ahead! Talk to people who have been there and be realistic in your expectations. In any case avoid a situation in which you need money urgently, this will put you in an unnecessary weak position in any negotiations;

To anyone saying “That’s easy when you have money!” True, so be creative and work hard. Many digital startup entrepreneurs have alternative income sources. In the early days of Tokobagus we were selling e-commerce development services which allowed us to pay the bills and work on building Tokobagus.

Are you involved in a really early phase (digital) startup and considering to get (angel) funding to make life a bit easier? Wanna pay some of your key staff with shares instead of salary? Though money is both a problem as well as a necessity, you might want to read this first.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Remco_Lupker/1648102

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7877933