Tag Archive : succeed

Launching A Tech Startup: How To Build A Foundation To Scale And Succeed

(BPT) – Despite disruptions over the last year, the number of entrepreneurs launching startups hit record highs in 2020. In the U.S., vision, passion, grit and a startup-friendly environment have resulted in the world’s highest number of startups.

If you’re one of the millions feeling the pull to start your own company, your timing couldn’t be better. The proliferation of connected devices, the worldwide shift to remote and hybrid work models and the rapid pace of technological innovation are just a few of the factors bringing exciting opportunities for new products and services.

“The shift to global entrepreneurship has underscored something I’ve believed for a long time, that you can start up a company anywhere,” said Brad Feld, managing director at tech investment firm, Foundry Group. “People are finally realizing that tech hubs, while great, are by no means a critical element to startup success. Today’s visionaries can launch tomorrow’s unicorn from their kitchen table. The tech, tools and people are already out there — it’s just a process of leveraging those resources to make it work for you, wherever you are.”

Below are tips to keep in mind if you’re one of the many innovators ready to make the startup jump.

1) Surround yourself with the right people

Having the right people in place can be the difference between success and failure. It’s hard enough for founders, who’ve lost countless hours of sleep and invested their life savings, to entrust their vision to others, but there’s no other way to grow. Personal recommendations and connections are useful, but not always available. Job sites like Indeed allow employers to screen potential hires with supplementary assessment tests to help determine a candidate’s strengths in critical areas like writing, customer service and technical ability. Once you’ve selected a handful of candidates, be sure to ask questions that can help you gauge their excitement about your vision and how they would make that vision a reality.

Will Herman, serial entrepreneur, angel investor, corporate director and startup mentor said, “The commitment you must make is to embody specific roles and responsibilities, including operational and cultural leadership, vision and direction, and especially, building a great extended team.”

2) Use the experience of others

The five-year success rate of startups looms around 50%, but there are many people you’ve never met who are ready to help you succeed. The internet is full of information, advice and tips from seasoned founders, instantly available and often free. Consider a mentorship organization for support, research what accelerator programs like Y Combinator and Techstars offer, read interviews or listen to podcasts with industry leaders, and make use of the resources available through the U.S. Small Business Administration, designed to support startups with information, access to capital and connections.

The Startup Playbook offers insight and expertise from those who successfully launched multiple companies and walks you through lessons they learned the hard way. Do More Faster explores key issues that first-time entrepreneurs encounter and offers proven advice from successful entrepreneurs who have worked with the Techstars accelerator.

3) Put the right tools in place

Today’s entrepreneurs face virtually no technological barriers to entry. Software programs can be accessed through the cloud no matter where you are, eliminating the need to download applications onto computers bound to one physical office. Zoom and collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams make communication simple. JumpCloud’s directory platform offers a single login to securely connect employees to any file, application, network or IT resource they might need — and it lets non-technical people manage their IT with ease without breaking the bank. Myriad applications can capture and analyze valuable information like market data, how potential competitors are positioning themselves, and vital insights about how effective your social media, lead generation or marketing programs are — all of which can help recalibrate your business model.

If you’ve identified a clear market need or created a product or service you know will have a big impact, it might be the perfect time for you to pursue that dream. As David Cohen of Techstars said, “Having worked with over 2,000 companies, hard work, brilliance and innovation has been a constant for startups. What’s new is the instant availability of elements that can significantly impact a company’s trajectory — expert advice, easy-to-use and inexpensive software, and a truly global network of talent to pick from. While launching a startup is for the hearty, the amount of support for those who push on despite the odds has never been more robust.”

With access to the right people and advice, and the tech tools to make your journey easy, you can be set up to succeed and scale.

How To Succeed As A Commercial Loan Broker

Here are some tips on how to succeed as a commercial loans broker:

Tip #1:  Never waste one nanosecond on international loans.  International loans never close.  The problem is one of taxation.  No country in the world wants a bunch of foreign banks to come into their country and take all of the good loans, thereby weakening their own banks.  As a result, if a foreign bank makes a loan across international borders, the host country will tax their interest income at some ghastly rate – higher than 30%.  As a result, if you need a loan in Mexico, and no local bank will do the deal, you need to use the Mexican subsidiary of some foreign bank; Deutsche Bank of Mexico or Citibank of Mexico.  If the subsidiary bank is chartered in Mexico, the tax laws aren’t quite as brutal.  I still would never waste time working on international loans.  You could work on international commercial loans for ten years, full-time, and never close a deal.

Tip #2:  Commercial banks, credit unions, and savings banks (former S&L’s) make 75% of all commercial real estate loans these days.  Start there.

Tip #3:  Big banks make big commercial loans, and small banks make small ones.  Therefore match the size of your deal to the size of the bank.

Tip #4:  Stay local.  Banks greatly prefer to make commercial loans close to one of their branches.  The closer the bank, the more likely it is that Loan Committee will approve the deal.

Tip #5:  It’s easy to find commercial banks and credit unions in Maine, even if you are located New Mexico.  Simply go to Google Maps and type in the address of your commercial property in Maine.  Click the “Nearby button” and then type in “banks.”

Tip #6:  The smaller the commercial loans, the more likely the deal is to close.  Small commercial loans close.  Larger deals?  Not so much.  I would much rather have a pipeline of three small commercial loans than a pipeline of thirty commercial loans larger than $3 million.  Small commercial loans close.

Tip #7:  This is going to sound terribly self-serving, but AnalytIQ Group loves to close small commercial loans in remote areas.  You will have much less competition working on these small or remote commercial properties, compared to competing against fifty other commercial loan brokers in your local big city.

Tip #8:  When you market for commercial real estate loans, you will speak daily with four or five wealthy real estate investors every single day.  Even if they never send you a package, be absolutely sure to keep their contact information and the following additional data:  (1) month of year, e.g. June of 2021; (2) the loan amount; (3) type of loan (first mortgage, construction loan, etc.); (4) property type; (5) city where the property is located; and (6) state where the property is located.

Tip #9:  Someday you will want to send out the following, individually word-processed letter:  “Dear Dr. Su:  You may recall that in June of 2021, ABC Commercial Mortgage Company had the pleasure of working on a $1,300,000 first mortgage on your medical office building in Kansas City, Missouri.  I am writing to you today about earning 8% to 10% interest in first trust deeds.”

Tip #10:  Your ultimate goal in this business is to someday become “the lender” and be able to approve your own loans.  The real money in commercial mortgage finance is also in servicing income.  Commercial mortgage bankers service their own loans, and they are rich.  Commercial mortgage brokers do not service their loans, so when the inevitable real estate depression hits, they are crushed.   Servicing income continues, even during real estate depressions (45% declines).

Tip #11:  Don’t get too excited about construction loans.  They seldom ever close for commercial loans brokers because if the developer had enough skin in the game (equity in the deal), some local bank would have made the deal in a nanosecond.  Banks love construction loans, so if no local bank will do the deal, there is a big problem.

Tip #12:  Don’t waste money advertising in newspapers, online magazines, or on Google Adwords.  You will spend a fortune and never close a deal.

Tip #13:  The best commercial leads come from referrals.  Build yourself a newsletter list of commercial bankers, commercial brokers (commercial realtors), property managers, other commercial lenders, residential mortgage brokers (on a referral fee basis only), residential real estate brokers, attorneys (who know you), CPA’s (who know you), and estate planners (insurance agents).

For More Information Or Help On Closing Commercial Loans Contact AnalytIQ Group.

By George Blackburne