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Essential Preparations Before Seeking Venture Capital

The line in the sand has been drawn. You’ve vowed to never step foot back into that office alive again after working the same dead end job for ten years. It’s time to start that business you know for sure will succeed. All you need is to dedicate those sixty hours a week to your own bottom line. There’s only one roadblock. You have no money and the bank has already denied you for several other loans. All is not lost. Seek the help you need from those venture capital firms or angel investors you have heard so much about at meetings.

A venture capital firm is a collection of investors looking to throw their money into the next great idea that will grant them generous returns. With their money, your restaurant, retail store, or latest invention transforms from a day dream into a reality. Several options of repayment, ownership, and terms are discussed between you and your angel investors on how you will reward them for believing in your idea. First, you have to win their confidence.

The most important part of your business is your business plan. Before you approach a venture capital firm, do your homework. Transfer it from your brain to paper. Your goal is to create a business plan that will motivate investors to write your company name on that blank check. Also, in writing your business plan, you will discover how much you know or don’t know about the adventure in which you will embark. Or you may find the concept is not as fabulous as you imagined.

Start with research. Intense study uncovers little known nuances about your new chosen industry and fills holes in your concept. Identify your competitors. Dissect their company products, services and policies. What don’t they offer that you can implement into your business concept? Find a niche in the market that will set you apart from others who may be seeking the same clients, customers and investors you want to attract.

Next, examine the industry trends. Analyze the data. Find out when sales and profits are at their lowest. Are you merging into the gift basket business that suffers during the summer, after mother’s day? Brainstorm ideas you can include in your plan to overcome those industry wide obstacles.

Use your data to make logical predictions of future industry trends. Can you predict a disaster like the “dotcom” failure at the end of the twentieth century? Your potential investor friends will want to be shown the money. Show it to them in standard financial and cash flow statements.

Now, come back to the beginning and write a two-page summary of the company. This will serve as the introduction to your business plan. Some experts call it the Executive Summary. I call it the sales pitch.

Your summary will be the first section investors read about your business. If it doesn’t sell them, then it becomes the last thing they read about your business.

Take your time, do your research and make sure your business plan sells, sells, sells!

Yasheve Miller is web copywriter and internet marketing specialist whose primary focus us to generate leads and convert prospective customers into sales for his client. [http://www.yasheve.com] makes small businesses competitive with branding and marketing campaigns tailored to each individual business.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Yasheve_Miller/24409

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/216578

The Importance Of Knowing Your Investor Before The Pitch

Business pitches to investors are essential to the success of any business idea and its transition from concept to reality. Pitching to investors is often the inevitable first step to gathering support and funding for any business idea. Even the most original and innovative business idea and opportunity can be missed if potential investors are not convinced and do not choose to fund the idea. This is why it is essential to understand potential investors before any business pitch and to change and adapt the business pitch accordingly.

Every Investor is Different

In today’s day and age, having a great idea for a business is simply not enough. It is essential for prospective entrepreneurs and business owners to not only have a direction and a clear goal for where they would like to see their business go, but also be flexible and adaptable in their dealings with investors. After all, investors control the funding behind the business, and their satisfaction is key to generating the money needed to start a business. That being said, it is essential to understand the fundamental fact that investors can vary widely in the things they are looking for in a business. Some investors may have greater risk tolerance, while others want safer investments. Some investors may want a sustainable, long-term business, while others prefer short-term profitability. The bottom line is that the presentation to investors needs to at least take their preferences into consideration. It is obviously very important to preserve the integrity of the business concept, but that doesn’t mean that the pitch to investors must be inflexible and unchangeable.

Be Aware of Limitations

However, because of the fact that each investor and business idea have differing levels of compatibility, it is also important for the presentation to investors to understand that there are limits to satisfying investors. There are times when investor preferences are simply incompatible with the business idea or mode of operation. In these cases, it may be worth it to simply present the business idea as is without trying to yield to investor preferences. This can save a lot of trouble down the road, as investors eventually find out that the business idea is fundamentally incompatible with their preferences. Nevertheless, this caveat is mainly to remind individuals that business pitches should not go overboard in satisfying investors, and should not lose sight of the goal of having a successful and functional business idea.

We take the most important pieces of your story and turn it in to a winning pitch. Our process creates a pitch with everything you need and nothing you don’t. Visit Our Client Center to build your winning pitch deck today.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Deb_Gabor/1640174

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7925542

Business Owners Make Sure You Have Access To Capital Before You Need It

Will you be able to seize opportunities as they arise by having instant access to substantial liquidity? We will assist you in the development of your funding options and provide financial flexibility, the best insurance policy to ensure prosperity for your company. So let’s make sure you have access to capital before you need it. Contact our Client Center Today!

9 Things To Consider Before Forming A Business Partnership

Getting into a business partnership has its benefits. It allows all contributors to share the stakes in the business. Depending on the risk appetites of partners, a business can have a general or limited liability partnership. Limited partners are only there to provide funding to the business. They have no say in business operations, neither do they share the responsibility of any debt or other business obligations. General Partners operate the business and share its liabilities as well. Since limited liability partnerships require a lot of paperwork, people usually tend to form general partnerships in businesses.

Things to Consider Before Setting Up A Business Partnership

Business partnerships are a great way to share your profit and loss with someone you can trust. However, a poorly executed partnerships can turn out to be a disaster for the business. Here are some useful ways to protect your interests while forming a new business partnership:

Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

1. Being Sure Of Why You Need a Partner

Before entering into a business partnership with someone, you need to ask yourself why you need a partner. If you are looking for just an investor, then a limited liability partnership should suffice. However, if you are trying to create a tax shield for your business, the general partnership would be a better choice.

Business partners should complement each other in terms of experience and skills. If you are a technology enthusiast, teaming up with a professional with extensive marketing experience can be quite beneficial.

2. Understanding Your Partner’s Current Financial Situation

Before asking someone to commit to your business, you need to understand their financial situation. When starting up a business, there may be some amount of initial capital required. If business partners have enough financial resources, they will not require funding from other resources. This will lower a firm’s debt and increase the owner’s equity.

3. Background Check

Even if you trust someone to be your business partner, there is no harm in performing a background check. Calling a couple of professional and personal references can give you a fair idea about their work ethics. Background checks help you avoid any future surprises when you start working with your business partner. If your business partner is used to sitting late and you are not, you can divide responsibilities accordingly.

It is a good idea to check if your partner has any prior experience in running a new business venture. This will tell you how they performed in their previous endeavors.

4. Have an Attorney Vet the Partnership Documents

Make sure you take legal opinion before signing any partnership agreements. It is one of the most useful ways to protect your rights and interests in a business partnership. It is important to have a good understanding of each clause, as a poorly written agreement can make you run into liability issues.

You should make sure to add or delete any relevant clause before entering into a partnership. This is because it is cumbersome to make amendments once the agreement has been signed.

5. The Partnership Should Be Solely Based On Business Terms

Business partnerships should not be based on personal relationships or preferences. There should be strong accountability measures put in place from the very first day to track performance. Responsibilities should be clearly defined and performing metrics should indicate every individual’s contribution towards the business.

Having a weak accountability and performance measurement system is one of the reasons why many partnerships fail. Rather than putting in their efforts, owners start blaming each other for the wrong decisions and resulting in company losses.

6. The Commitment Level of Your Business Partner

All partnerships start on friendly terms and with great enthusiasm. However, some people lose excitement along the way due to everyday slog. Therefore, you need to understand the commitment level of your partner before entering into a business partnership with them.

Your business partner(s) should be able to show the same level of commitment at every stage of the business. If they do not remain committed to the business, it will reflect in their work and can be detrimental to the business as well. The best way to maintain the commitment level of each business partner is to set desired expectations from every person from the very first day.

While entering into a partnership agreement, you need to have an idea about your partner’s added responsibilities. Responsibilities such as taking care of an elderly parent should be given due thought to set realistic expectations. This gives room for compassion and flexibility in your work ethics.

7. What Will Happen If a Partner Exits the Business

Just like any other contract, a business venture requires a prenup. This would outline what happens in case a partner wishes to exit the business. Some of the questions to answer in such a scenario include:

    • How will the exiting party receive compensation?
    • How will the division of resources take place among the remaining business partners?
    • Also, how will you divide the responsibilities?

8. Who Will Be In Charge Of Daily Operations

Even when there is a 50-50 partnership, someone needs to be in charge of daily operations. Positions including CEO and Director need to be allocated to appropriate individuals including the business partners from the beginning.

This helps in creating an organizational structure and further defining the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder. When each individual knows what is expected of him or her, they are more likely to perform better in their role.

9. You Share the Same Values and Vision

Entering into a business partnership with someone who shares the same values and vision makes the running of daily operations considerably easy. You can make important business decisions quickly and define long-term strategies. However, sometimes, even the most like-minded individuals can disagree on important decisions. In such cases, it is essential to keep in mind the long-term goals of the business.

Bottom Line

Business partnerships are a great way to share liabilities and increase funding when setting up a new business. To make a business partnership successful, it is important to find a partner that will help you make fruitful decisions for the business. Thus, pay attention to the above-mentioned integral aspects, as a weak partner(s) can prove detrimental for your new venture.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at https://www.funded.com/

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Pierre_Jean-Claude/335283

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10402262