Tag Archive : investment

The Risk/ Reward Of Buying Investment Real Estate

Like, nearly, everything else, in life, purchasing, and owning, investment real estate, should be considered, on a risk/ reward basis/ scale! While, many have earned their fortunes, or supplemented their incomes, buying these types of properties, doing so, is not true, for all! There are many possibilities, both, positive, and negative, and a wise buyer/ investor, recognizes, understands, and analyzes, as many of these, as possible, in order to make the smartest decision! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, some of these types of considerations, variables, etc.

1. The purchase price: The process begins, with closely, examining, and considering, whether the price, you purchase the property at, will serve your objective! Do you know, the realistic range, of rents, you might be able to charge, for tenants’ leases, etc? How easily, should you, be able, to rent these, so there are fewer vacancies? What might be your cash flow, after considering your financial outputs, both up – front, as well as on a monthly basis? How will you determine the rents, you charge? Are you certain, you aren’t over – paying, for this investment? What rate – of – return, are you seeking, and how will you get there? How realistic are your objectives?

2. Upgrades needed: What condition is it in? Will you need to make certain repairs, upgrades, etc, at the onset? If you think you will need to upgrade, soon, what will be your strategy, and focus, and will you be disciplined, enough, to – create a realistic, workable, time – table? Remember to factor – in, any expenditures, in these areas, you will need, to make, in order to determine, your overall cost of purchase!

3. Potential upgrades: Fully consider, and budget, for future upgrades, which you, envision, will need, to be performed! When you determine these, and adjust, your projections, accordingly, you begin to better understand, the correlation between the potential rewards, versus the possible risks!

4. Cosmetic and structural: There are 2 basic forms of upgrades, to consider, cosmetic, and structural. Obviously, the latter, cannot be delayed, while, you sometimes, might be able to delay the former. However, whether it makes sense to proceed, immediately, with a cosmetic change, it’s important to weigh, whether doing so, might make, the property, more sought – out, viable, and potentially, able to generating, enough additional revenue, to make this a smart approach. Before purchasing, it’s important to have a qualified, Home Inspector, or Engineer, comprehensively, examine, the entire structure, in terms of its overall quality, and expectations!

5. Rental income: Examine, on the lower – end, what the property (unit – by – unit), might deliver, in terms of rental income. Make your projections, based on only about 75 – 80% of these figures, in order, to ensure, you are able to handle the cash flow!

Examine potential investment property, using the risk/ reward approach! Don’t do this emotionally, but, do so, in a logical, analytical manner!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades, and a RE Licensed Salesperson, for a decade+. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://PortWashingtonLongIslandHouses.com and LIKE the Facebook page for real estate: http://facebook.com/PortWashRE

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Brody/492539

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10134801

4 Main Considerations For Purchasing Smaller, Investment Real Estate!

Smaller, investment properties, often, offer, significant financial/ economic benefits, in terms of creating a combination of asset growth, return – on – investment, and some degree of safety! However, this is true, only, if, the purchaser, first, thoroughly, understands, what to seek, and why! Different potential properties, have, varying, potential, for optimal performance, etc! While, everyone, cannot, consistently, take care of, afford, or get involved, in major real estate deals/ purchases, far more, are able to take advantage of smaller properties, etc. These vehicles, often, include, one, to four, family/ unit, houses, and, while some, offer, attractive investments, others, may not, always! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 significant, meaningful, main/ essential considerations, and evaluations.

1. Cash flow: Cash flow, when it comes to these, usually, refers to, the difference, between, the funds/ revenues, received, and the monthly costs. It is important to consider these, in a conservative manner, by, basing evaluations, not, on the highest, potential rent – rolls, but, by market – based rents, and, no more than 75% occupancy (to avoid, a potential, cash – crush, if there are any interruptions, due to a variety of possibilities/ contingencies). In addition, the investor, must, be careful, to ensure, his personal cash flow, doesn’t suffer, by using too high a percentage of his reserves, for up – front costs, as well as creating reserves, etc!

2. Area/ neighborhood/ local market: Before, making – the – leap, thoroughly, consider, and evaluate, local real estate market conditions, and discover, the marketplace, for rentals, in terms of, availability, demand, advantages, and/ or, disadvantages! Thoroughly, know the specific area, and determine, if it offers, the best scenario, for you, and your priorities and purposes!

3. The 6% Rule: Many pay close attention to, what is often, referred to, as the 6% Rule, when it comes, to purchasing, smaller, investment properties. This means, three – quarters, of a realistic rent – roll, must achieve, at least, a six percent profit. Expenses, must include: mortgage – related expenses, including principal, interest, taxes, and escrow; landlord – paid utilities; repairs; renovations; upgrades, and reserves, etc.

4. Property condition: Understand, the existing condition, of the subject property, and, what, will need to be addressed, immediately, on an intermediate – basis, and in the longer – run. Reserve funds, must be used, and prepared, for as many contingencies, as foreseeable, etc! On the other hand, don’t be, overly – influenced, by staging, and overestimating, rent – rolls!

After, over 15 years, as a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, in the State of New York, I believe, strongly, in the possibilities, and advantages of investing in smaller, investment properties, but, only, when, this is done, carefully, and in a focused manner! The smarter, you proceed, the better – off, you will be!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades, and a RE Licensed Salesperson, for 15+ years. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://PortWashingtonLongIslandHouses.com and LIKE the Facebook page for real estate: http://facebook.com/PortWashRE

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Brody/492539

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10432756

Avoid These Five Mistakes When Submitting Your Business Plan To Raise Investment Funds

Any potential investor wants to see a highly readable and believable business plan with a summary, a management team overview and financials but after submitting your plan many people think funding will just arrive when in reality it can take time. By following the steps below you will be able to avoid some of the most obvious mistakes when raising funds for your project

One – If you are a company that has brilliant technical knowledge and no real sales expertise do not advertise it. Information on your web-site including the management team biographies will clearly state the management teams background including their technical expertise, their degrees, their patents and such like but amazingly their go to market strategy in the business plan is usually incomplete and sometimes missing. The solution, make sure you have a credible go to market strategy with a credible sales leader. Nobody will invest if you don’t.

Two – Make sure your website is stunning. Too many companies think that running a business is all about product and the abilities of the technical team – frankly it isn’t. This may be true but today investors will always expect to see more. They want to be convinced and when they will go straight to your web site they are wanting to be wowed! Unfortunately, so many people provide what looks more like a school project. Make sure your website is utterly brilliant and that it doesn’t look cheap. Ask a variety of people if it looks modern, if it looks appealing, particularly the photos and ask if it is easy to navigate. Also please ensure that it is relevant – it’s not about how wonderful you are it’s about how you and your company will solve their challenges.

Three – If you are raising money through a prospectus or private listing make sure that your brochure stacks up. Many people do not place enough time and effort with the visual appeal of a Private Listing Brochure and again you don’t want to provide a sub-standard document that will fail at every level. Spend some time and money to ensure that you convey your messaging in a professional, crisp business-like manner and that it is logical and easy to read. Also don’t use random un verifiable facts – make sure that you underpin everything that you state will be possible with the latest research etc.

Four – don’t use jargon. Anyone who goes to your site or who takes a look at any promotional material designed to answer questions won’t stand for jargon which usually means nothing to them. If you must use jargon or acronyms, make sure there is an explanation – people won’t ask they will vote with their feet! A well written website and brochure is music to the ears of potential investors

Five – Make sure that on your website and all other materials that you have the same font. Make sure that the supporting marketing material looks great and make sure that the stories you tell are verifiable and relevant. Lastly please don’t be controversial People will make their mind up on quality and this includes the look and feel, the overall professional approach. If you can use proper references form proper companies. Don’t add something for the sake of adding something as it has to be contextual and relevant!

Follow these tips and life on the road to raising funds will be much easier.

If you are in the need of investment funds or have a project that needs investment contact AnalytIQ Group.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Marc_Bandemer/2318678

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9501229

What Is The Difference Between Investment Management And Wealth Management?

Investment management and wealth management – it is easy to be confused by these terms, especially since they are often misrepresented. What do they really mean, what are the key differences, and which might be best for you?

What is wealth management?

Wealth management looks at an individual’s finances as a whole and how they can be managed to achieve their long-term financial and personal goals. In addition to handling clients’ investments, wealth management encompasses a wide set of services, such as legal planning, insurance, accounting, and financial, charitable giving, and tax advice.

There are higher minimum asset thresholds, and one can expect to pay higher fees for the more comprehensive service. Although a good manager could justify this through the savings their service provides.

Advantages of wealth management

As wealth managers offer many of the services of an investment manager, their clients gain the same benefits. However, the additional services on offer mean that wealth management can provide further advantages.

Coherent Strategy

As wealth management looks at all aspects of clients’ financial affairs, it aims to provide a custom-made strategy to realize their objectives. For example, by combining different services, a wealth manager can find the best path to paying off a mortgage or planning for retirement, whilst avoiding tax inefficiencies or undue risk.

This holistic approach attempts to understand and predict how different areas of an individual’s finances interact and organize them appropriately.


A wealth manager can provide a single focal point for all financial matters. Rather than having a wide assortment of advisors, a wealth manager may replace the need for a separate financial planner or investment manager, for example.

Their breadth of knowledge also means that they can act as a guide for those less familiar with the practices and technical language that often surrounds financial services.

What is investment management?

The primary role of the investment manager is to advise on, organize and grow clients’ investments.

After discussing a client’s financial goals and acceptable risk levels, an investment manager assembles a portfolio of investments appropriate to their requirements. They then will keep clients updated on the state of their portfolio, offering recommendations and implementing changes.

Advantages of investment management

Investment management services sometimes require a minimum investment and come with a fee – generally a small percentage of the assets under management. However, they can offer numerous benefits.

Reduced Risk

With an investment manager constructing a diverse portfolio, assets are less vulnerable to fluctuations in individual investments. With hundreds of smaller investments likely spread across different industries and asset classes, if one performs poorly, others are likely to compensate.


If the client desires, they can acquire a wide range of investments with the minimum effort, making it ideal for time-poor individuals. As the paperwork and day-to-day running is taken care of, much of the stress of investing is removed.

Higher Returns

One of the biggest advantage is that you can gain the knowledge of the professionals. The best investment managers often have a wealth of experience and worldwide networks which can help them spot the best opportunities and reach better results.

Investment managers also have abilities that most individual investors do not. For example, they can increase their buying strength by pooling together several clients’ assets, with each benefiting from the greater yields.

Which is best for you?

Which service is most suitable will largely depend on your net worth and the type of assistance you require. Whilst a wealth manager offers more services than an investment manager, it is generally only available, or necessary, for the most affluent clients, with the wealthiest even receiving fee discounts.

Therefore, if you simply wish to see your investments grow, without the difficulty and risk of handling it yourself, gaining the services of an experienced investment manager could prove fruitful. However, for those with a higher net worth and a complex financial situation, the comprehensive methods of wealth management may be the best solution.

Contact OurĀ Client Center

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Tze_Li/2519707

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9894241